Nuremburg Trials. A luxury granted by civilized opponents. |
If Osama had lead the charge over a group of rebel militants over the rise, would these same people have asked everyone to "please stop so that we can detain Mr. Osama and take him off to a trial"?
Oh, but then I hear you say that this situation was different?
How so? If you don't mind me saying, Osama was continuing to lead a charge over a worldwide horizon. He had targets in multiple countries.
War doesn't leave time for trials. Unarmed or not, he presented not only a threat, he had acted multiple times on threats in the past.
Nobody will judge the dead to be guilty by virtue of the fact that they're dead. In wartime people die. Their guilt or innocence can be determined later, if necessary. But it doesn't change the fact that they're dead.
When people talk like this it makes me think of all those life sentences Lex Luthor kept getting out of.
Lex Luthor. Criminal Mastermind. Enemy of Truth, Justice and the American Way Smallville: The Complete First Season |